
Learn about Healthpoint

Healthpoint is Australia and New Zealand’s trusted expert in healthcare information. We are a socially-focused technology company which has been connecting people and communities to better healthcare since 2004. We support the ethical co-creation of trusted health information.

We built the Healthpoint services platform because we were inspired by people’s personal health stories. Patients and caregivers repeatedly told us that they wanted to play an active part in improving their own and their families’ health. However, they often struggled to find the health information they needed. They were looking for services available to them, what these services did, how best to access them, and who was involved. People wanted to be better informed about their health, to find information easily, and to trust the information they received.

By creating Healthpoint, we’ve made this possible. Our platforms make it easy for the health sector to publish the relevant, trusted, up-to-date health information members of the public and healthcare professionals need to make well-informed healthcare decisions, and for patients and professionals to access it.

We support the New Zealand and Australia health sectors through our offices in Auckland and Melbourne respectively.

Awards and recognition for our work

We are proud to be recognised as a leading ‘digital enabler’ in providing healthcare information.



(Excellence in the use of IT in Health)
Computerworld Excellence Awards


(Health and Science category)
New Zealand Innovators Awards


New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT)
Innovations Awards



HL7NZ is the New Zealand Affiliate of Health Level Seven International (HL7®), the global developer of standards for the interoperability of health information technology.

Health Informatics New Zealand (HiNZ)

Health Informatics New Zealand (HiNZ) supports the field of health informatics, with a focus on events and professional development.

New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT)

New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT) is the peak body for the New Zealand digital health industry sector. NZHIT represents digital health companies and organisations operating in New Zealand as well as a broad cross-section of healthcare providers, consultancies, legal, insurance, banking, government, regional agencies and international companies with an interest in New Zealand's health sector.